
#Uncontroversial was started to encourage more people to stand up for humanitarian law and our universal human rights with integrity, regardless of the context.

This initiative is our call to action – an invitation to stand up with integrity and determination for a world where dignity and our shared humanity are upheld.

#Uncontroversial aims to see more leaders, or those working in business, using our significant power to influence societies and economies, to boldly use our unique positions to drive change and uphold our human rights and international laws. We do this together with humanitarian organizations, countries, artists, students, civil society, trade unions, doctors, and many others worldwide who stand up bravely to prevent humanitarian disasters and advocate for dialogue, security, and a fairer future.

Every individual, every team, and every organization has the power to make a difference. Therefore, we invite you to #uncontroversially contribute to these three self-evident truths:

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1. It is #uncontroversial that we use our power to influence. We help each other use our influence responsibly and with integrity to ensure that the activities we are involved in do not, directly or indirectly, contribute to violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, wherever in the world this may occur. By continuously questioning how our activities align with international laws such as the Geneva Conventions, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, local regulations, and corporate policies that promote ethical business practices, we take active steps to enhance our compliance with human rights and prevent us from inadvertently contributing to crimes such as genocide or other serious breaches of international law.

2. It is #uncontroversial to boldly promote dialogue, security, and a fairer future. We strive to continuously improve our ability to stand up for our dignity and act objectively and consistently, regardless of the skin color, religion, nationality, or power position of our fellow human beings. We review how global events affect our workplaces and aim to create an inclusive and thriving work environment that realizes our values and policies.

By actively engaging in anti-racist actions, we constantly work to strengthen our ability to combat anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and all other forms of discrimination. We commit to an ongoing learning process and ensure that we acquire the necessary support to actively adjust the skewed power structures that limit life opportunities, both locally and globally.

Together, we become drivers in creating cultures that promote open dialogue and constructive solutions, making us bold co-creators of a more peaceful and creative future. For everyone.

3. It is #uncontroversial to boldly demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It is not controversial to defend international law and our shared humanity, regardless of the context.

UNICEF, along with many other humanitarian organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Save the Children, and the ChildFund, has long been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and has informed us that children who do not die from the bombings will soon die from hunger, dehydration, and diseases.

Many of us therefore need to boldly condemn all violence against civilians and demand an immediate ceasefire.
